Naoplay expertise

Naoplay specializes in optimizing API ecosystems and API governance, providing innovative solutions to enhance the agility and security of corporate information systems. Our unique approach, "Smart Proxization", simplifies the integration and management of digital services, enabling organizations to modernize their IT systems while ensuring data protection.


API stands for “Application Programming Interfaces“. They were introduced several decades ago and allow developers to connect applications together.

Offering greater flexibility and better collaboration for developers and users, API nowadays play a key role in digital transformation projects.

As the use of APIs increases, API gateways and API Management platforms are becoming essential IT components for effectively managing “API-enabled” services, and finally allowing companies to maximize their uses.

API Gateway

The API Gateway acts as a secure bridge between clients and backend services, regulating access to APIs through authentication and authorization rules, and optimizing interactions with features like caching and orchestration. 

It enables centralized API management, ensuring security and efficiency in both internal and external communications. Backend APIs are enhanced with proxies for increased security and improved performance.

API Management

API Management is the control tower above your API Gateways.

This is where users, billing, and usage data of "API-fied" services are managed. 

It also provides enhanced security for sharing your data and functionalities confidently with partners and third-party developers. 

Take your business to the next level with API management.


In the urbanization of the Information System, APIs play a key role as they generate the abstraction layer between different business domains.

Thoughtful proxying involves consolidating all the services and data of a business entity at a single point.

We presented our Smart Proxying approach at APIdays Paris 2023. You can view this presentation :

on the APIdays’ Youtube page

and in French on our YouTube page